1208 |
2020-10-16 |
1207 |
[Oct. 14] Physics/MPK/BK21 Colloquium - Prof. Yongjoo Baek (SNU)

2020-10-14 |
1206 |
[Oct. 7] Physics/MPK/BK21 Colloquium - Prof. Min Ju Shon (POSTECH)

2020-10-07 |
1205 |
[Sep. 23] Physics/MPK/BK21 Colloquium - Prof. Jee Woo Park (POSTECH)

2020-09-23 |
1204 |
[SEP. 18] PHYSICS/SRC SEMINAR_Prof. Heung-Sik Kim (Kangwon Nat'l Univ.)
2020-09-18 |
1203 |
[SEP. 18] PHYSICS/SRC SEMINAR_Prof.Bohm-Jung Yang (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
2020-09-18 |
1202 |
[Sep. 9]Physics/MPK Seminar-Dr. See-Hun Yang(IBM)
2020-09-09 |
1201 |
[Jul. 23] Bio-Complex Physics Seminar-① Prof. Hyejin Park (APCTP)/② Prof. Min Ju Shon (POSTECH)
2020-07-23 |
1200 |
[Feb. 25] Bio-Complex Physics Seminar - Dr. Yongjin Lee (APCTP)
2020-02-25 |
1199 |
[Jan.17] Physics/MPC-AS/Ultrafast Science Seminar _ Dr.Park Jeong Wan
2020-01-17 |
1198 |
[Jan. 17] Physics/BK21+ Seminar - Prof. Kensuke Kobayashi (U. of Tokyo & Osaka U.)
2020-01-17 |
1197 |
[Jan. 3] Physics/BK21+ Seminar - Dr. Minsoo Kim (U. of Manchester)
2020-01-03 |
1196 |
[Dec. 18] Physics/MPK/BK21+ Colloquium - Prof. Kibog Park (UNIST)
2019-12-18 |
1195 |
[Dec.13] Physics/MPC-AS/Ultrafast Science Seminar _ Prof. Yihua Wang
2019-12-13 |
1194 |
[Dec. 13] Physics/BK21+ Seminar - Dr. Hongkee Yoon (KAIST)
2019-12-13 |