• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움

Experimental physics of soft and bio matter


Soft and bio matter systems are actively studied through theoretical and experimental approaches under mutual coorperation of physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. Experimental physics of soft and bio matter plays an essential role in fundamental understanding of complex systems such as soft and bio matter. From nanoscopic colloids to macroscopic fluids, many examples of soft and bio matter are related to fundamental physics and industrial applications. We use microscopic methods such as X-ray microscopy and confocal laser microscopy to improve our knowledge about complex dynamics of soft and bio matter systems. Many dynamics of soft and bio matter would be not expectable with conventional physics because of their complicated singularities in structure and dynamics. We would like to identify the physical singularities in complex dynamics of soft and bio matter systems and to find out useful ways to control the singularities for advanced applications.