• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움

PHYSICS/BK21 Colloquium[09.09.04]


"     “Extraction of Energy from a Black Hole”
♦Speaker : Prof. Chul Hoon Lee [Hanyang University]
♦Place : Physics Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
♦Date & Time :  Sep,  4(Fri)  4:00 ~ 5:00 pm


A black hole is a general relativistic object whose gravitational pull is so great that
nothing,  not  even  light,  can  escape  after  having fallen past its event horizon.
Despite its interior being invisible, a black hole may reveal its presence by playing
the role of energy supplier in such astrophysical phenomena as AGN, quasars and
gamma-ray bursts. In this talk, I will explain characteristic features of black holes
and discuss some mechanisms by which energy can be extracted from them.
          Contact Person : Prof. Ki Bong Lee (054-279-2068, kibong@postech.ac.kr)"