• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움

PHYSICS/BK21 Colloquium[09.11.27]


   “Mass Transfer in Binary Systems of a White Dwarf”

Ø* Speaker : Prof. Heewon Lee[Sejong University]
Ø* Place : Demonstration Lecture Hall 122,  Postech Information Research Laboratories
Ø* Date & Time : Nov,  27(Fri)  4:00 ~ 5:00 pm

Many interesting astrophysical phenomena are known in binary systems containing a
white dwarf when the  companion  star  loses  some  its  mass.  White  dwarf  binary
systems are progenitors of Type Ia supernovae, which  are  important  to  probe  the
accelerated expansion of the universe.  Outward transport of angular momenta leads
to the formation of an accretion disk around the white dwarf. Many details in accretion
flow are known  in  close  binary  systems,  which are collectively  called cataclysmic
variables. Much less is known in the case of wide binaries known as symbiotic stars,
where mass transfer is achieved via gravitational capture of slow stellar wind.  In  this
talk, a brief introdcution to accretion phenomena in binary systems  of  awhite  dwarf
will be given with some observational results obtained from Mt. Bohyun.

              Contact Person : Prof. Jaemo Park (054-279-2090, jaemo@postech.ac.kr)  
