교수 프로필
- 김윤호 Kim, Yoon-Ho
- 연구분야
- 광 및 원자분자
- 전화번호
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- 이메일
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- yoonho_AT_postech.ac.kr
- 홈페이지
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- Http://qopt.postech.ac.kr/
- 2001: Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore Countrty
- 1995: B.S., Yeungnam University
- Atom-Photon Coherent lnteraction
- Photonic Quantum lnformation Processing
- Quantum Communication
- Quantum 0ptics
- Quantum Nonlinear 0ptics
- Quantum Photonics
- Direct quantum process tomography via sequential weak value measurements [Nature Communications (2018)]
- 0bservation second-order temporal interference beyond the coherence time [Physical Review Letters (2017)]
- Stimulated emission tomography of a frequency-time two-photon wavefunction [0ptica (2017)]
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement of narrowband photon pairs from cold atoms [Physical Review Letters (2016)]
- Fundamental bounds in measurements for estimating quantum states [Physical Review Letters (2014)]