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2021 내연소 개최! (~11.9 참가접수) / Apply for “2021 Introducing My Research”

페이지 정보

2021.11.01 / 4,068


* English speaker can also participate in this year's 'Introducing my research'!


7번째 돌아온 그 대회! 

3분 과학토크대회, '내 연구를 소개합니다' 가 개최됩니다.


1. 대회 소개 

* 내연소가 뭔가요? http://bit.ly/postech_myr2021

대회 참가신청(11월 9일(화)까지): http://bit.ly/postech_myr2021_apply

홍보동영상 공유이벤트(~11/4): https://fb.watch/8-ea09n0Q1/

   ☞ 좋아요&공유해주신 분들 중 추첨을 통해 치킨(2만원 상당)을 드립니다.  


2. 수상자 혜택

1위 150만원, 2위 100만원, 청중인기상 50만원

본선 진출만 해도 30만원

- 청중 참여(질문,설문조사, 이벤트 참여 등) 상품 추후공지 예정

* 작년 상품: 아이패드에어팟치킨/피자 기프티콘, GS25상품권 


3. 대회 일정

       ~ 11.9(화): 참가신청 접수

         11.26(금) PM 5:00~7:00 본선 행사 (온라인 생중계 링크는 추후 공지) 


4. 문의: 연구기획팀 정혜진 (279-3662, postech-myr@postech.ac.kr)

        페이스북 페이지 포스텍 연구잼 (http://facebook.com/POSTECHjam)



2021. 11. 01.

연 구 기 획 팀




Have you felt tired about explaining your research and no one in your family or friends understand it?

“Introducing My Research”, the 3-minute science talk competition will be held!


1. For whom?

- All POSTECHian (Graduate students, Undergraduate students, Researchers, Staff members, Professors, etc.)


2. What is it about?

- A competition for introducing your own research or scientific topic in 3 minutes, without PPT(PowerPoint) (You can only use the props that you can carry onto stage yourself)

  * For detail explanation: http://bit.ly/postech_myr2021

  * Apply(~Nov.9th): http://bit.ly/postech_myr2021_apply

  * Facebook event(~Nov.4th): https://fb.watch/8-ea09n0Q1/

For those who like & share (public) on the post, we will give you chicken throgh a draw


3. How to Apply?

- You can submit through the form(http://bit.ly/postech_myr2021_apply) due to 9th of Nov. (Tue.).


4. What are the Awards?

- 1st award: 1,500,000 KRW, 2nd award: 1,000,000 KRW

- Audience favorite vote: 500,000 KRW

- Other than 1st and 2nd, if you become finalists (6 people or so), you can earn 300,000 KRW


5. Plan

       ~ Nov. 9th: Application

         Nov. 26th PM 5:00~7:00 Final Competition on Youtube


6. For more question: Jeong, Hyejin (279-3662, postech-myr@postech.ac.kr) from Research Planning Team.


* Please kindly excuse us for that the event 26th Nov. will be mainly Korean except the competition.


2021. 11. 01.

Research Planning



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